Monday, 20 April 2009


Prospects/Buyers lie to sales people.


I mean everyone accuses us sales people as being the liars.

Most sales people I know and have known are honest, ethical and strive to do well by all their customers, yet we sales professionals suffer the reputation of being dishonest liars willing to say anything true or untrue to get a deal.

And unfortunately we are the scumbags of business?

No, you and I know that we are not, but years and years of social conditioning have passed down and reinforced the belief among millions of people that anyone who "sells" is a scummy liar, or suspect of being so at best.

So sadly we start out with every new prospect having to prove that we defy this stereotype about sales people.

And that is why prospects lie to us.

They lie to us because it's OK to lie to a liar.

That's what they think, whether they are aware of it or not.

Lying is a defense mechanism.

Prospects lie because they are afraid that you are going to try and pressure them into doing something that they don't want to do.

That "something that they don't want to do" isn't that they are afraid of being tricked into buying something - (no most people are smarter than that these days.)

More often they fear that you are going to waste their time pitching them on something that they don't want, and then they are going to have to tell you no anyway, and they don't want to go through the discomfort of "rejecting" you.

So prospects lie to us because they think its OK too, unless of course we tell them not to.

Yes, you can stop getting lied to by simply asking them to agree not to do it.

No more lies like:

- "We already have a supplier for that",

- "You're still in the running for this deal",

- "Call me back in two weeks about that".

OK, I know that someone reading this right now is rolling his eyes, thinking to himself that I am really full of it.

( I hope that's not you...? )

You can stop the lying and get to the truth behind any sales interaction fast by simply asking your prospect to agree not to lie to you. Also, you have to ensure that you dont throw the customer out of their comfort zone.

This technique is pretty simple to learn, but not very easy to figure out straight away and it can only come with repeated practice because you have been so conditioned against doing anything even remotely like this all of your life.

Let's avoid the situation where Buyers/Prospects are scared and intimidated of getting manipulated and their time wasted by pushy, talk-too-much sales types.

Your job is to get the truth about each deal, and not tolerate vague answers and with little white-lies.

When you do, you can win the deals you should win, and you'll walk away with confidence early from deals that you would've eventually lost later.


1 comment:

  1. Great post. However isn't a salesperson suppose to really help his client achieve what he wants to and by doing so wouldn't this set you apart from being a great salesman (real salesmen) and make a sale + make a relation + convince the prospect that not all sales people lie but instead earn money by helping others
